Hsin-hsin Huang: A Recovering ‘Martha’


In an article published in Presbyterian Outlook, long-time Bridges board member, volunteer and online site facilitator Hsin-hsin Huang explores the well-known story of Mary and Martha (John 11) and its question for us still today: What’s more important, “doing” ministry or “being” with Jesus and others? 

Her article begins: “I am a recovering first born, a recovering Martha and a recovering ‘human doing’ who is learning to be a human being.”

To read the complete article, go to: https://pres-outlook.org/2018/10/from-doing-ministry-to-being-community/

Hsin-hsin Huang is an associate professor of pastoral theology at Aquinas Institute of Theology in St. Louis. She also practices as a pastoral psychotherapist and a certified trauma consultant. She is a member of the Taiwanese Presbyterian Church of Greater St. Louis.