Current retreatant Tracy Lawhorn wrote this poem during the Marketplace Spirituality Retreat and read it to the group during our time of sharing near the end of the retreat. She noted that one of the graces of the Bridges retreat has been writing poetry that stems from her time of prayer and reflection.

The Tomb
by Tracy Lawhorn
The stone,
Hard, callous,
Signifies my grief
At Your death
On the cross.
We were friends!
I shared my secrets,
My heartache,
My pain.
Like a therapist,
You listened intently.
You responded
With a silence
Only I could hear;
Like a rabbit
Sitting motionless
In the grass.
Yet, I recognized
Your voice.
Now, You are back
In a whole new way!
A sight to behold,
Like a bride
On her wedding day!
Jesus, You invite me
To enter the tomb!
You greet me there
In dazzling white!
You take my hand
And we dance!
You see my beauty!
You feel my love!
You recognize my strength!
You know my heart!
It’s my turn now
To commit to you
To bare myself
To receive your everlasting love,
To marvel at your beauty,
To perceive your scars.
We will continue
To discover one another
Our familiarity unmatched,
Like a renowned artist
Who knows his subject.
Every physical, mental
And emotional mark
Will be mutual.
We will experience
A genuine intimacy,
Deeply rooted.
Like that of a sycamore,
Supremely unrivaled,